Thursday, February 16, 2012

Methinks this is going to be a good year... sure has been a long time between posts but, as the title indicates, this looks like it's going to be a good year.

But first, I will give a little shout out to one of my favorite hauls from last Menace from Revoltech's Queen's Blade line...

Isn't she a cutie? As I am a HUGE fan of the Revoltech line as a whole and I absolutely LOVE Queen's Blade (I am a lover of fanservice, afterall), picking this figure up was a no-brainer for me. Of course, the rest of the Krew all picked up Queen's Blade figures in this pre-Christmas HLJ order. We are planning on picking up more in the new year.

Looking at some hauls that the rest of the Krew picked up like these SH Figuarts figures from the Dragonball Kai series...

Now...these figures are AWESOME!!! (Darn you card for introducing me to this line!!!)

I REALLY want the Dragonball Kai (aka: DBZ) figures as they fit the criteria...6" figures, highly articulated and good sculpts.

They also did some figs for Kamen Rider Ryuki...WOW!!! Look at that detail!These figures are crazy sick!!!

The second wave of ThunderCats toys have come out...unfortunately, I haven't taken any pics of the figures that I have so far but I will do a review of them soon. The difference between this year and last is that the 8" line has been discontinued. In fact, they are re-releasing the Classic ThunderCat toys in the 6" mold. While there are rumors of the Classic Cheetara being a Comic Con exlcusive, I'm OK with the change as I am a big fan of the 6 inchers...This year, I am going to try my absolute best to NOT buy the 4" ThunderCat toys...We'll see how well that goes...

Somewhere around October (or so), we began hearing the rumblings of a new convention in the Mile High City. With me being an annual attendee at StarFest and NDK, I'm something of a regular con-goer in our fair city. So, the news of Denver Comic Con coming in 2012 was met with much anticipation from the Krew. In fact, I've already bought my tickets for the weekend. The only problem that I can foresee is that it takes place June 15th to June 17th which happens to be Father's Day weekend. Really DCC organizers??? Couldn't you have picked a weekend that I could have actually taken off from work? As it is, I WILL be there just...not all day everyday...

While it is still VERY early to see something like this, Indaglow,......with this con taking place in the Convention Center, there will be room to grow.

I can't wait...